Removal Estimates Vs Removal Quotes: Which Are Best?
When dealing with any sort of service provider, you’re going to want a quote for how much it will cost them to do the job. This much is true of enquiring with removal companies before you move property. However, you may find yourself getting hit with a bill that exceeded what you were quoted.
How do you ensure that the quotes on moving house you are receiving are genuine?
The problem comes down to the wordage that can be used. When we see the word ‘estimate’, we see it as a synonym of ‘quote’, and believe it means the same thing, however it doesn’t. An estimate is just a rough prediction of how much a service may cost you. Estimates are provided to provide a potential client with a rough guide as to how much it will cost to provide a service. It’s informal and usually done for the sake of convenience. An estimate is not in any way legally binding and should never be treated as such.
A removal quote, for example, is different from a removal estimate. This is because it is the exact price for the job as it has been offered. Once accepted by the customer, it shouldn’t be changed. A customer seeking quotes on moving house should always make sure to get quotes in writing. This makes them legal documentation that can be used against the removal company should they try to over-charge. Never accept verbal quotes over the phone, either get it sent to you via email or via the post. You’ll know a professional quote from a reputable removal company when you see one as good quotes share many commonalities.
A good quote should include the business’ details, your details, the location, time and date of the move (if known), a reference number, a breakdown of where money is being spent, plus descriptions of the work and a total price. It is generally good practice for a potential customer to be provided with the firm’s terms and conditions. This will allow you to read the small print and spot any inconsistencies, as well as allowing you to better understand what your house moving quote actually means. This is particularly important as it allows you to see how long a quote is valid for once it has been issued.
Since you still need to accept a quote, a lot of quotes will expire between 30 and 90 days afterwards. This isn’t necessarily a bad thing, as it just means a removal company isn’t left with quotes from months ago that may not have taken recent economic changes into account. Be wary if you receive house moving quotes that are short on details and firms that are reluctant to give straight answers about their quotes. It’s still possible for a firm to claim further costs to complete a job if they can argue that the quote didn’t include that ‘extra’ work.
Always make sure to receive moving house quotes over any estimates and make sure that the quotes on moving house include detailed descriptions and breakdowns of what that work will include.